Podcast: BE RICH 2.0

Be Rich 2.0: Go More

At the heart of the Christian faith is this idea: in Jesus, God became one of us and dwelt among us. When it comes to those around us who are hurting and in need, the God who dwelt among us calls his followers to be hands on by going to them.

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Be Rich 2.0: Love More

As followers of Jesus, the way we love is crucial. God will always give us what we need when we provide for those who are in need. When we love with our generosity, we’re taking what we’ve been given and giving it to others—and we’re showing Jesus to the world through our willingness to give.

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Be Rich 2.0: Do More

No-strings-attached generosity was the hallmark of the first-century church. It should be a hallmark of the twenty-first-century church too. The apostle Paul told Timothy, “Command those who are rich in this present world . . . to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” So let’s

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