Podcast: Luke: Good News for Everyone

Luke 19
Take a listen to this Sunday’s message as Pastor Mark preaches on Luke 19.

Luke 18
This week we continue our journey through Luke. Take a listen as Pastor Jeremy takes us through Luke 18.

Luke 17
Ever felt like God owes you something? Find out about a group in Luke 17 who felt that same way and what God wants to say about that…

Luke 16
Take a listen as Pastor Marco takes us through Luke 16 and teaches on Our Day of Reckoning.

Luke 15
Have you ever been so excited about finding something you thought was lost? This week Pastor Lee takes us through Luke 15. It is a collection of stories about finding things that were once lost.

Luke 14
For Father’s Day 2019, Pastor Charlie Harrisberger takes us through Luke Chapter 14.

Luke 13
Today we have one of our own, Mark Batten, taking us through Luke 13. Take a listen as we continue our series through the Book of Luke.

Luke 12
The 12th chapter of Luke is full of teachings and parables told by Jesus. Take a listen to Pastor Marco Broccardo as we dive into Chapter 12 together.

Luke 11:1-12
Have you ever thought of God as some kind of scrooge who is bothered or disturbed by your requests of Him? Find out how asking God is maybe different than you ever thought possible in this important message.

Luke 10: 1-8
Jesus calls us to join the harvest this week. We will learn some keys to how to share your faith by looking for Persons of Peace along with seeing that God does the work.

Luke 9: 10-17
When we look out into our community, what do we see? Do we see opportunity? Do we see impossibility? What do we see? A crowd of people? How may God be calling us to share His love with them? Find out more in this message.

Luke 8: 22-25
What would cause you to move from fear into faith? The storms we face in our lives as hard as they are, provide for us an opportunity to gain a deeper revelation of who Jesus is. Find out more in today’s message.

Luke 7: 18-28
Do we sometimes deal with Faith doubt? Listen to Pastor Lee discuss Luke 7 in this weeks message.

Luke 6: 46-49
Storms in life? Jesus has good news for you. Listen to what may be a surprising solution.

Luke 6: 12-19
What hurts, habits or hangups do you have? Have you held on to them? Find out how an unlikely group showed up for some good news about their life in this message.

Luke 5: Get the Nets Ready
Sometimes we feel as though nothing can fill our nets. In Luke 5, the professional fishermen can’t seem to catch a thing. Sometimes, all it takes is a little faith in Jesus. Let’s listen and learn how Jesus filled their nets until they were overflowing.

Luke 4: 1-13
We all face temptation and in Luke 4, the Devil tempts Jesus with three types of temptations. Most of all of us are probably struggling with at least one of these. Let’s look to how Jesus overcame them through Scripture.

Luke 3:21-22
This week we talked about the Baptism of Jesus and the implications for our lives by reflecting on who God is through Acceptance, Affection, and Affirmation.