Podcast: Easter

04/02/23 – The Love Of God

Many Christians around the world will be celebrating “Lazarus Saturday” on April 2nd. Perhaps you have never considered how significant the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead is for all who have trusted Christ in the last 2000 years. All of us have or will experience tragedy in our lives. But Jesus has shown us

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04/17/22 – Easter Sunday

“Do not be afraid”, was the response that the angel gave to both Marys when they arrived at Jesus’ tomb and while yes it was “don’t be afraid of me as an angel”, I believe that what the angel was also saying is do not be afraid when you find an empty tomb! And that’s what

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04/10/22 – A Savior Who Redeems Our Weakness

Have you ever felt like you have messed up, or perhaps allowed the enemy to convince you that God is disappointed in you? Well if that’s you, you are in good company because not only does that apply to most believers, but as we will see this Sunday, it also happened to some of the

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04/03/22 – A Savior Who Honors Our Worship

We have been going through our series on Jesus’s last week of life leading up to His crucifixion.  This Sunday we looked at what it means to live a life of worship, and understanding that Jesus loves our worship.  We often think that ‘worship’ is just singing songs on a Sunday morning and praising God corporately

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03/27/22 – The Savior Who Knows Our Hearts

After riding into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey rather than a majestic stallion worthy of a King, and after confronting the religious robbers of the temple courts who were profiting off the people seeking forgiveness through animal sacrifice, Jesus went on to denounce the religious hypocrites. Foretelling the destruction of the temple, the culminating great

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03/20/22 – The Righteous Savior

After Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey instead of a majestic stallion, as the oppressed nation of Israel and his disciples had hoped, our conquering King went to the temple where his heart was broken and his zeal for the nations stirred.  This Sunday we looked at the unmatched passion of Jesus to

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03/13/22 – A Humble Savior

Jesus is our Lord and King, who was so humble that He chose to make His “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem not with pomp and ceremony, but rather, on the back of a donkey. 

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Easter 2021 – 03/28/21 – He Is In Us

We are moving ahead with the next installment of our Easter series and will be unpacking this concept of “Christ In Us” and what it means for us as Christ-followers in both the time and place that we find ourselves living in. MP3 to come

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Why 3 Days?

Are you going through a season of suffering? Are you waiting on something to come that you’ve always dreamed of, but that you’ve lost hope in? Do you want to take steps to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be? Find out more in this message.

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